Wednesday 5 October 2016

Compressport Trail 10k Wales

I was back in Coed Y Brenin national forest park again for my 2nd trail race of the year, the 10k compressport run.

My main aim for this race was to get as close to the 1hr mark as possible. There were 3 pacers in the race; 1hr20min. 1hr10min and the 1hr runner with flags.

The first half of the race involved a lot of climbing and I felt less fit than my half marathon race I did previously. There was 1 aid station about mid way through and I took some electrolyte drink  and banana along the way.

I did make most of the down hill sections of the race but it felt really painful on my lower back. So in hindsight I could have easily gained another minute or two off my overal finishing time.

This was my official time, I was extremely pleased with finishing under the hour! 58mins and 31sec was my chip time!


The start and finish area with the race sponsor. I was a wee bit early as you can see!

About 1 mile left

Approaching the finish line!

Mud , shoes, race number and a superb medal for the day!!

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