Wednesday 31 May 2017

Rock n Roll Marathon Liverpool 2017

After 16 weeks of training, running about 4 times a week, the day has finally come!
This is my first ever marathon and it is taking place around Liverpool.

Frances and I caught the 8:13am train from Leasowe to James Street on race day to ensure that we get to the start with plenty of time to spare. After we dropped off my bag in the baggage area inside the echo arena we even had time to watch the start of the half marathon.

The marathon start time was delayed to about 10:10am.

This was a photo of me at the starting coral pen 6. The weather was a lot cooler than previous days and luckily it did not rain.

I had started the race quite steady and not to go out too fast too early as they all say. I kept my pace to around just under 9 mins miles as my goal was to get sub 4hrs.
My first unplanned loo break happened after mile 8, probably drank too much liquids, probably cost me a minute. Then just before mile 13 I had to take another loo break but inside a portaloo! This probably cost me 2 mins.

So, until about mile 16 everything was fine but then after that I really struggled to maintain my pace of around 9mins per mile. I was starting to tire and could only manage 9min30s to 10mins pace until mile 20. Just before mile 22 the 4hr pacer finally caught up with me, damn! There was no hope of even staying with the pacer, my legs were aching all over and every step was a struggle. My legs refused to turn any quicker. So the last 4 miles was a struggle and I can barely keep a pace of 10:30mins/mile.

At last the finish line came and I could hardly put in a sprint for the line, the tank was empty and was so glad to see my wife cheering me over the finish.

This is the race summary on endomondo

And this is the video from Frances of me crossing the line

A well deserved medal!

A close up of the medal

And final thoughts? There were so many amazing supporters to thank who gave out hydration and all the marshals around the course. The crowds were amazing too.
The course was really cool, passing goodison park, anfield stadium, penny lane, cavern club and china town.

A sub 4 marathon is definitely a challenge for me and I reckon it is achievable.

Friday 20 January 2017

Y Gribin ridge to Glyder Fawr and Y Garn Descent.

Weather report for today. The route summary (above).

Car park all to my self, great to get here early in the morning.

For Y Gribin? Follow the path to the left where it forks off. For Y Garn, it is the path on the right.

Heading towards the gap where we will come across a waterfall to start the Y Gribin ridge ascent.

Pen Y Ole Wen

 The start of the Y Gribin ridge

Llyn Bochlwyd and Tryfan

The extremely gentle but fun scramble of Y Gribin ridge.

South side of Tryfan in the in the middle of this shot.

A view to Glyder Fach.

Some impressive weather conditions on top of Glyder Fawr.

Looking back onto Glyder Fawr.

The largest patch of snow I'd seen all day just before the summit of Y Garn.

A view south looking at the Snowdon masssif.

After a quick lunch break on the summit of Y Garn, I took this panoramic shot of the views and awesome weather conditions.

This was a great shot showing improved weather conditions on the descent back to the car on Y Garn.

What a way to end a morning hike, the sun just poking through the devil's kitchen and with Llyn Idwal in the foreground.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Compressport Trail 10k Wales

I was back in Coed Y Brenin national forest park again for my 2nd trail race of the year, the 10k compressport run.

My main aim for this race was to get as close to the 1hr mark as possible. There were 3 pacers in the race; 1hr20min. 1hr10min and the 1hr runner with flags.

The first half of the race involved a lot of climbing and I felt less fit than my half marathon race I did previously. There was 1 aid station about mid way through and I took some electrolyte drink  and banana along the way.

I did make most of the down hill sections of the race but it felt really painful on my lower back. So in hindsight I could have easily gained another minute or two off my overal finishing time.

This was my official time, I was extremely pleased with finishing under the hour! 58mins and 31sec was my chip time!


The start and finish area with the race sponsor. I was a wee bit early as you can see!

About 1 mile left

Approaching the finish line!

Mud , shoes, race number and a superb medal for the day!!

Sunday 19 June 2016

Salomon Trail Marathon Wales, Half 2016

A half marathon in the world-renowned Coed Y Brenin forest was to be my first ever race on trail and track.
A full marathon race was also on that day with an earlier start of 9:00am. My race the half distance started an hour later. As I have learnt later after my race the winner of the full marathon just finished as I'd crossed the line!

The day before the race, we had stayed over at the beautiful Bala in a relaxing and welcoming B&B. This was easier than driving straight from home on race day.

It was about a 20mile drive from Bala to the race car park, we arrived about 8:25am and the overflow car park was already 80% full!

There was a lot of midges about, luckily I bought along some anti mosquito spray and applied liberally on my arms and legs.

This was the path down to the visitor's centre and starting area

The start and finish line looking out from the bridge.

Races for the full marathon begin to gather at the start line for the 9am race.

Marathon runners at the pre-race briefing.

And they're off!

The first climb takes you through the visitor's centre.

At Copper Bog, about 5.5miles in.

At mile 9.

A video of the half runners at the start of the race, I think I run past around 1min6sec in!

Frances took this picture shortly after I'd crossed the line.

Approaching the end of the race, photo taken by Dan Wyre.

Crossing the line in around 2hrs 12mins.

The official chip time by TDL.

Race summary on strava, the second climb from miles 5 to 7 was a killer!

We did not get medals for the race but a very nice wooden tea coaster. Also the freebie bag from salomon racing was very good indeed! It had a small red TMW Tee shirt, energy gel, protein bar and a pair of salomon socks!

The last descent to the finish was an amazing feeling when the noise of the crowd and race announcer becomes louder and louder.

After an amazing 13.2 miles which included some superb single tracks of descents, I came home with full of elation plus 3 black toe nails and a large blister on both feet! 

Sunday 14 February 2016

Crib Goch & Snowdon in Winter

I met 3 other great guys, 2 were from Brazil and 1 local and we all stayed together for the traverse.

Garnedd Ugain Summit. Windy and cold!

A view from the Miners Path, very little snow on low levels.

A windy and very cold summit on Garnedd Ugain!