Sunday 19 June 2016

Salomon Trail Marathon Wales, Half 2016

A half marathon in the world-renowned Coed Y Brenin forest was to be my first ever race on trail and track.
A full marathon race was also on that day with an earlier start of 9:00am. My race the half distance started an hour later. As I have learnt later after my race the winner of the full marathon just finished as I'd crossed the line!

The day before the race, we had stayed over at the beautiful Bala in a relaxing and welcoming B&B. This was easier than driving straight from home on race day.

It was about a 20mile drive from Bala to the race car park, we arrived about 8:25am and the overflow car park was already 80% full!

There was a lot of midges about, luckily I bought along some anti mosquito spray and applied liberally on my arms and legs.

This was the path down to the visitor's centre and starting area

The start and finish line looking out from the bridge.

Races for the full marathon begin to gather at the start line for the 9am race.

Marathon runners at the pre-race briefing.

And they're off!

The first climb takes you through the visitor's centre.

At Copper Bog, about 5.5miles in.

At mile 9.

A video of the half runners at the start of the race, I think I run past around 1min6sec in!

Frances took this picture shortly after I'd crossed the line.

Approaching the end of the race, photo taken by Dan Wyre.

Crossing the line in around 2hrs 12mins.

The official chip time by TDL.

Race summary on strava, the second climb from miles 5 to 7 was a killer!

We did not get medals for the race but a very nice wooden tea coaster. Also the freebie bag from salomon racing was very good indeed! It had a small red TMW Tee shirt, energy gel, protein bar and a pair of salomon socks!

The last descent to the finish was an amazing feeling when the noise of the crowd and race announcer becomes louder and louder.

After an amazing 13.2 miles which included some superb single tracks of descents, I came home with full of elation plus 3 black toe nails and a large blister on both feet!